Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Goodbye, Study!

Farewell, the lower half of my self-designed bookshelf.

Goodbye, our custom-made desks. You have served us well in the last 5 years.

Tomorrow, we are going away on a short vacation while a team of contractors will be coming in to turn our eye-popping citrus-colored study into an equally eye-popping colorful bedroom for the kiddos. Thankful for the in-laws who are helping us to watch over our flat, the furkid and the renovation work while we are away.

In the coming weeks and months, there is gonna be lots of changes happening to us. The past few days have been spent clearing out our stuff from the study. As usual, at any spring-cleaning session, The Husband and I were bound to have little squabbles over what to throw and what to keep. He, being the thrower, and I, being the hoarder. Heh.
Daddy, please don't throw me away too...
Our domestic helper will be coming in next week (if nothing goes wrong), so we are doing up the study room to make room for the helper and the new baby in time to come. Last night, The Husband and I made a quick trip down to Ikea to pick up some furniture for the helper, the new nursery and new study desks for ourselves. Next Monday, the Ikea guys shall deliver all the stuff and assemble them for us. I am so glad that my energy is back, at least I can help out The Husband in handling some of these domestic affairs while he focuses on his work. After all, he has made some concessions in the past two months and it is time that he give his team and clients more of his attention.

Meanwhile, let's put on our sunnies and enjoy our little getaway! :)

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