Monday, November 1, 2010

A Family Car Trip

To the vet we go!

For the first time, all four of us (including the Furkid), travel out together. It was not anything adventurous, really - just a trip to the vet, "da-bao" lunch at MCD drive-thru and then back home again. We have been looking forward to have a proper family trip for a picnic or something (definitely where the Furkid can go as well) and thought a 10 minutes drive to the vet and back can be a good dry run to see if we could manage.

The seating arrangements in the car:
The Husband, being the only one who can drive legally, was behind the steering wheels of course. The Furkid was with me at the front passenger seat while Anya was in her car seat at the back. At the beginning, Anya was full of curiosity and kept gazing in our direction. The Furkid, on the other hand, was not the least interested in her. She hasn't been on a car trip in weeks and she was going to savour every moment of it.AS always, she jumped onto my lap and with her fore legs perched on the window's armrest, waited for me to wind down the window so she could stick her head out in the breeze. There, she remained in the same position, all the way till we reached our destination.

As for Anya, she got bored after 5 minutes or so and promptly drifted into lala-land.

I think we are ready for the picnic. Joining us, anyone?


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

haha, it can be very soothing for a baby to be in a car I think! Bubbles used to drift off to sleep fairly quickly when she was younger too!

Anya & Arielle's mom said...

Oh yes! The white noise of the engine, the rocking of the moving vehicle, big comfortable car seat, blowing aircon, it is the best sleep-inducing rocker to them!