Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Divine Intervention?

First instance:
As you have already known by now, Anya always sleeps on her tummy. Two weeks ago, I was at Kiddy Palace running some errands after my driving lesson. I was about to leave the shop (hmpf! they do not carry the items that I need!) when something prompted me to go to the pillows section. Hmm.. But she doesn't need a pillow what... Anyway, I went over just to take a look. I ended up spending 10 minutes there, choosing a pillow (not many choices actually) that I have unfounded needs for and rationalizing why I should buy one.

"Maybe she suddenly decides to sleep on her back."

"Well, I can use it during her playtime when she does lie on her back.." (If The Husband was there, he will shake his head and say "Next better player, please.")

Eventually, I walked out of the shop with a $20 latex dimpled pillow. Ticks on the shopping list? Zero.

Two days later, Anya was down with the viral infection. Her nose was congested AND runny at the same time. That night, she could not sleep well. She kept waking up as she was having problem breathing in that face-down position. Then, it occurred to us to flip her onto her back (since she has a pillow anyway). With that change, she slept much better. We were actually quite surprise by how quickly she adjusted to the change. Since then, she has been sleeping on her back beautifully.

Second instance:
I have taken a break from attending cell group since Anya was born. While I have no problem traveling out alone with Anya during off-peak hours, peak hour is a different thing. Moreover, by the time we get home after the meeting ends, it will threatening to eat into her bedtime. We have never tried staying out later than her bedtime before and I was not comfortable doing so, lest I have a battle a tired & grouchy baby outside. So, since 3 months ago, the cell group has made concessions for me by meeting at my place once a month instead.

Then, a month ago, I was prompted by one of our pastor's sermon during Sunday service to go back to attending cell group meeting regularly. He cited the example of how he and his wife would travel with the baby (and her barangs) in public transport to attend cell group religiously every week because they maintained that God is number 1 in their lives - having baby is not going to change that!

So, on a Wednesday morning two weeks ago, I texted one of my cell group member, Iivi, to check if meeting was on as usual that night. She called me back promptly. Anyway, to cut the long story short. As it turned out, Iivi is on leave on that day, and she had an appointment in the late afternoon in the west. The best part was, she just took over her Dad's old van (that is going to be scrapped end of the year) and so she could swing by my place (northwest area) to pick us up before going to cell (town area)! Wow! How remote is that?!

Sweet & considerate Aunt Iivi even detoured to the petrol station for a car wash and before picking us up - just so Baby Anya can have a comfortable ride! So yes, we managed to go to cell comfortably and The Husband came up to the cell group leader's place as soon as he finished his work & dinner to take over Anya. Thereafter The Husband raced back home as it was already past her bedtime. Although Iivi's favour is a one-time off; it helped to ease some of my concerns. Seeing that Anya was able to behave despite having to stay up later than usual (there are little friends keeping her company!), now I am more confident of getting us to cell group on a regular basis.

Divine interventions? I can't help but think they are. :) Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Our God is a divine God ! He creating the entire universe is already quite divine ...
God will always intervene if we allow him to all the time =)