Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Moving onto Grown-up Food...

...well, partially.

Today, we started Anya on proper porridge. Mixed brown rice & crystal white ones. We had the same thing as staple for lunch too. The Husband thought it was quite tasty, the sweetness derived from homemade vegetables stock. The Daughter, however, seems to need some getting-use-to. Hmmmm...

P.S. I suspected that her lukewarm response could be due to the consistency of the porridge and I was right! For her dinner portion, I thinned out the porridge and I could see her enthusiasm for food back instantly!


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Wow that's quite a large bowl of porridge! Did you add any meat/fish?

Anya & Arielle's mom said...

Lol! That's what The Husband exclaimed too! So it was expected that she would not finish it. Not adding any fish/meat yet. Planning to start her on fish after she turns 8 months.