Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflections: Seven Months!

Hello there, my little one!

Happy seven months old! It is funny how Mommy always get an initial loss for words whenever I try to recall your month-to-month progress. Here, I see you every day, changing, growing, developing, and yet when I look back, I feel that surge of affection & love rising, drowning out  any ability to form coherent sentences. Yes baby, you are such a lovely and endearing child, and Mommy can't help but reiterate every now and then that you are one of the greatest gift that God has given us!

Now, let's start with your biggest milestone for the month. 

Can you spot it?
Yes, you have sprouted two little ivories! They are coming out very fast! Just within a span of less than two weeks, they have grown from invisible (Mommy felt them when I'm washing your gum at bathtimes) to apparent to the eyes. Amazing  how God forms our bodies huh? 

With these two little fellas making their presence felt, your gum must have itching like crazy. We can tell because you put everything you can get your hands on into your mouth. Rubber duckies at batht times (head in mouth) , your blanket & hankies, your teething rusk & teether toy, your Rabbit's ears, corners of books, newspapers (NEWPAPERS!) and other random toys & items in the house.  The urgency that you display in putting something into your mouth somewhat resembles a drug addict in need of his fix, we think.

Then there are the items that you can't lift with your little fingers. In such cases, you crane your neck, edging forward and attach your mouth against the target, sucking away! We have already caught you attaching your "suction plate" to the legs of your high chair a few times when you are in your walker. Once, you even tried attaching yourself to poor unsuspecting Muffin who happened to be lazing right in front of you! Gotta say, it was ridiculously comical!

In addition, there is a whole string of little milestones this month. Mommy shall do my best to recall and name a few here.

You can truly sit on your own now, often at a stretch of 15 minutes at one go. With this new found independence, you start to detest the Bumbo chair. Although I suspect it is also because your chunkier-than-ever thighs get really uncomfortable wedged in that purple chair. 
These days, you make your displeasure known. For example: if you have had enough of your cereal, and Mommy still repeatedly placed the spoon at the entrance your mouth, coaxing you to eat, you would give a cry of annoyance. 

This month, fruits (in addition to veggies) have found their way onto your plate. So far you've tried steamed pears (love it!) & apples (hate it!), avocado (okay with it). Your selection of veggies has also widened though your favorite remains to be sweet potatoes & carrots.

You absolutely loathe Kailan
In terms of mobility, you are now very adept in your walker. You can maneuver around tight corners, zipping in and out of rooms, exploring things around the house. Very often, you startled Muffin, forcing her to retreat back to the kitchen (her safe haven!) where you are barred from entering.

You always like us to sing to you. When you are fussy in the bath, we will sing & there is always a good chance that you will stop fussing and listen to us raptly. Lately, you will even try to sing along! In a soft coy voice, you will go "ya...ya..ya..". Very endearing!

Mommy, do you like my singing?

Now as we move into your eighth month, we know that there will be simply more surprises awaiting as there is so SO MUCH more of you that is still developing. Let's hold our hands tight and keep on moving forward, my baby! 

You have a thing for hippos, it seems.

Love, hugs & kisses, 

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