Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is a post not pertaining to the mommy/wifey side of me. Rather, I'm penning this down as a closure to something that I held close to my heart.

No longer do I wish to be caught in a situation as if I'm questioning you. To begin with, I am in no position to judge. And I did not want to pass judgment. It matters to me, simply because you are special to me, and I thought the feelings were being reciprocated. Maybe they aren't. Or maybe it is just a typical case of drifting apart. Or perhaps it is just that the way things are are somehow too complicated to go back to being what we used to be.

At some point, I feel hurt. Betrayal. Being left out? But not any longer. The reason why I do not feel so anymore, is not because you have stopped being special to me (at least what I used to know remains special), but rather, I think I have finally learned to release this to God. For I realized that who I'm battling with all these while wasn't you, but the void between us. Too many things have been left unspoken with omission in each others' lives.

Maybe our lives were intended to cross only at a point, then diverge again. Whatever it is, I shall commit this to God and I know He has greater plans for us and our friendship. He always does. The uncertainty is always to do with our willingness to obey. I think I am ready to.

No hard feelings, really. It is just things has reached a point that it seems the choices available are either being awkward or be strangers - at least for the time being.You will always be that special "little sister" to me.

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