Monday, November 29, 2010

Dental Care

Some weeks ago, we started using toothpaste. Misled by the instructions on the box, we had thought that a toothbrush would come with the toothpaste. To our dismay, there wasn't. Since she has only two little ivories at the lower front so far, we made do with our index finger.

Anya enjoys brushing her teeth/gums. At bath times, she seems to understand when we ask, "Are you ready to brush your teeth?" and would open her mouth, stick her tongue out with a smile in response (we suspect it has to do with the apple banana flavour). We will then stick our toothpaste-smeared index finger into her mouth and sing "Brush, brush, brush, brush... ..." to whatever tune that comes to mind while brushing away. When we finally pull out our finger at the end of the song, she would show her satisfaction by smacking her lips together.

All in all, dental care has been a rather pleasant experience for both the executors and the receiver so I did not see the need to replace a our fingers with a real baby's toothbrush.

Yesterday, I changed my mind. All because at bath time in the morning, I heard The Husband singing to the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle, little stars" to:

"Brush, brush, brush, Ouch!, brush..
brush, OucH!, brush, OUCH!, brushhhh..."

I think the upper front teeth are coming.

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