Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A playdate with Baby Tristan

The girlfriend and I arranged a last-minute visit at her place. It has been ages since we last met up (Anya could not even sit up then, and baby T was still a snooze-around-the-clock baby in this bassinet). Being both first time mothers and having a friendship that has withstand more than 20 years (already?!!), we had a lot to catch up on. We exchange practical tips, our kiddos' growth rate, baby-related product reviews, recipes, and bare our souls concerning struggles in our motherhood (hers being a working mum, mine being a full-time mum). How irony.. Heh.

Baby T was down for his nap when I arrived with Anya. But it was not before long that Anya had a tiny boo-boo, wailed dramatically and woke the poor boy up. Can't blame him for upping Anya in his wailing drama. Thankfully, both subsided quickly and got very interested in each other. Given their tender age, it is understandable that they are clueless in engaging real play with each other. Instead, they pushed toys at each other which quickly evolved to sparring with each other, tugging hair and pulling legs. The girlfriend and I found ourselves refereeing between them in case they unwittingly hurt each other.

Here's some pictures on the little tots. Gotta say, baby T got the most adorable doe eyes though I always wondered to the girlfriend where he got them from since both his parents has small eyes. :P

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