Thursday, March 31, 2011

Counting down to turning One

Typically, March and April are always months of celebrations. My birthday, wedding anniversary, The Husband's birthday. Since last year, there has been another insertion.

Next Friday, Anya will turn one. Not wanting to exhaust both the birthday girl and ourselves, we plan to have a small-scale bash next Saturday. Only immediate family members and a handful of close friends from church are joining us in the celebration.

Funny how small-scale can still be daunting when you are a full-time mom, given I can only do most of the planning during her nap times. Just now, I had to confirm the cake order with the bakery via the phone with Anya screaming in the background. Now that I have confirm most of the things on my checklist (cake, catering, guest list etc), it is time to tackle the cleaning house part. Bleah...

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