Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby, meet The Vacuum-cleaner

The new vacuum-cleaner that we bought two months is awesome! The suction is uber powerful that dust mites that are burrowed deep in our beddings are not spared. The machine are various functional brushes & tools that can be attached to the machine for cleaning specific furniture & awkward places around the house. Moreover, the machine can double up as a air purifier!

Needless to say, we are very pleased with it. I mean, what's there not to be pleased about? Since we started using it, we get to walk on flawlessly clean floor (oh, it mops too!), sleep on 5-stars hotel-like clean beds & breathe in dust-free air with a tint of orange. So yes, as I cite the goodness of the vacuum-cleaner, I start to think that it's more than awesome! I'm fact, it's is more like the dream of a vacuum-cleaner! It's almost next to perfect! Well, almost because there is a tiny weeny flaw - the thunderous roaring sounds that it makes when it is at work. For most families, I believe, this little hitch can go unnoticeable! - except that in our case, it is as glaring as the afternoon sun these days. Reason being: the thunderous sound scares the s*** (poop as she identifies it) out of Anya.

On the very first day when a sales rep came down to do a demonstration, our little one had cried buckets despite being in her Daddy's arms who was standing a good 2 meters away. Thereafter, we could only use it when she is at the in-laws' place or when both The Husband & I are home. In the second case, one of us will vacuum the floor while the other will lock himself/herself in the furthest possible room with Anya. Not very practical, huh.

So earlier on, I tried to vacuum the floor with just Anya & myself at home. My plan was to carried her in my arms while switching on the machine, let her accustom to the noise before dropping her in her playpen while I get down to work. I introduced to her the machine, pre-empted her by mimicking the sound, then proceeded to switch it on. It started roaring, she started crying. Calmed her down, then tried again. Same results. Sigh.. Looks like we will have to make do with dusty floor for today.

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