Monday, January 24, 2011

Out and about

Last Monday, a dear friend (let's call her my Shopping Accomplice or "SA" in short) took leave just to meet up with Anya and I. Most of the friends that I usually hang out with have a full-time career. Thus, to have SA taking leave on a weekday to meet up is a treat that I had looked forward to.

It was on this day that I decided to bring the stroller out without The Husband (and the family car) for the first time in my mommy-hood. A little background here: On normal straight wide paths, I am okay with the strollers. However, when stroller meets escalators, I get hopeless. I have almost NIL confidence about maneuvering the four-wheeler safely up / down the escalators even when the baby is NOT in it. Not the mention the level of risk I am subjecting Anya to if she is in it. At the back of my mind, a nagging thought tells me that the days of relying on the sarong sling are numbered as Anya grows heavier. So, for a trial run with the stroller, having a friend around will be a confidence booster. Frankly, I didn't think SA will be of much help in the stroller-escalator department since she is a swinging bachelorette. Well, she proved me wrong.

We had arranged to meet at Mandarin Gallery's taxi drop-off. She was already there when I alighted the taxi with Anya in sling. Almost immediately, I confided, "I'm terrible with the stroller, especially on escalators". She coolly responded by saying "Let's take the lift then." and took over the reins of the stroller. Thereafter, I dawned on me that  Anya and I were my stroller was in good hands for the day.

Stroller catastrophe being averted aside, it was a day spent in leisure. Long chat and late lunch at Wild Honey where the waiting staff and patrons at the next table helped to keep Anya entertained half the time. Next, we shopped around. What started as a no-agenda window shopping was soon overtaken with fulfillment of respective wish lists. :P When dinner time came, both of us were still stuffed. However, I needed a place to feed Anya her dinner. We ended up in a nice quiet hotel's lounge where we ordered some nice cakes and tea to go with while I fed Anya before calling it a night.

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