Saturday, January 1, 2011

Daily Musings

Between The Husband and I, we came up with this list of things that our Little Bun does on a daily basis that amuses us:

  1. She sings and slaps her lap, almost in rhythm, whenever we sing to her.  
  2. She sings to herself to sleep. As she tosses and turn, she would go 'ah.. ya... dee... taata...etc...' in a singsong voice. It can go on from 1-2 minutes till as long as 20-30 minutes. Then it stops abruptly whereby we will find her fast asleep.
  3. She shudders when she pees. 
  4. She squeals, she screams, she screeches. Anytime, anywhere.
  5. Unlike what most books says, pooping is usually not the reason for her crying. On the contrary, she is always very happy after a poop. In the process, her brows will furrow in concentration, her face will turn red with the exertion. When it is all done & good, she will break into a wide grin, as if very pleased with herself for the hard work. Then, she will keep grinning us as we wash her.
  6. She drinks only lukewarm water. Give her room temperature boiled water, she tosses the sippy cup aside.
  7. Whenever we wave at her, she would wave back and holler "Ehh!" as if in acknowledgment.
  8. More often than not, she weeps in joy when we pick her up from The Grandparents' place. Very drama, this girl.
  9. She loves brushing her teeth. Ask her "Do you wanna brush your teeth?", and she will open her mouth and stick out her tongue eagerly.
  10. During her goodnight hugs and kisses, she would wriggle and fidget constantly when it is Daddy's turn but keeps absolutely still when she goes over to Mommy's side. This point amuses only Mommy. :P
The above is what we think of at this point in time. She will certainly outgrow them along the way and  there will also be new things adding on. Now, the question is: "Are all babies like that?"

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