Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A friend visits

Since Anya came along, I hardly get to catch up with this friend who is overseas on either work or mission trips half the time. Hmmm... Then again, I hardly catch up with other friends who are in based Singapore 24/7. So it is really me, I supposed. :P

Anyway, the visit was arranged one week in advance. Monday evenings are good because the in-laws are out (which means that we cannot crash their place for dinner) and we are unlikely to eat out (cos still recovering from the weekend's going-outs) -which means I will usually cook or The Husband will 'dabao' on his way home from work. In yesterday's case, of course I cooked. Heh. Cannot possibly serve economic rice to a friend who craves for home-cooked meals right?

The Husband suggested the day before that I dress Anya in the berms that The Friend gifted her for Christmas, just for earning brownie points. And he was right, those brownie points were much needed. We thought that by having a guest show up at home, Anya would not exhibit as much anxiety as when she was in a new environment. We were wrong. She was having her dinner when the friend walked in and started bawling, forcing The Husband to stop feeding her and pick her up instead. It was another ten minutes of coaxing before she allowed us to put her back onto the highchair to finish up her dinner.

In order to let Little Miss Can-see-no-touch warm up to her, we taught our friend some of Anya's favourite games. The response that she got from our Little Miss totally cracked us up. The first fifteen minutes or so, Anya was half-laughing, half-sobbing, it was hilarious!

Thankfully, by Anya's bedtime, she was all warmed up to the friend. She was particularly interested the wristband and watch that The Friend was wearing and even yelled in protest when The Friend flinched away as she tried to bite the wristband.

The night ended with The Husband putting Anya down for bed while The Friend and I chatted in the dimmed lights in the living area. We talked about God and His callings for us, about the past and the future, about our mutual friends and how our lives have gone in various directions in the last couple of years. This season of my life has resulted in keeping in touch with friends a more challenging task than ever, but it has made me cherish even more these once-in-a-blue-moon times where I get to have those missed heart-to-heart talks with close friends. So friends out there, remember, our doors are opened on Monday evenings! Just make appointment one week in advance. :P

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