Monday, January 10, 2011

Looking Back: 9 months

Hi my dearest Anya,

Happy belated 9 months old! Sorry that this came late as we just came back from Genting Highlands. Will write more about that in a separate post.

My, how time flies! You are already 3/4 way to your first birthday! It's funny how Mommy has been by your side all these while watching you grow but constantly wonder: "Where did all the time go? And how did my little helpless baby become such a nimble crawler?!".

As you crawl past the milestone of being a pre-toddler, you have pretty much become your own little person. You have a sweet temperament that makes Mommy's job of taking care of you a joy. Anyone who spend enough time with you to assess concludes that you are an easygoing baby who isn't fussy over almost everything. Well, except for when you are unwell. You smile at every slightest opportunity and when you fuss over something, you get over it quickly.

With Aunt Iivi

At nine months, you are enjoying songs and music more than ever. Whenever you hear a rhythm, you will sing/coo as you swing your arms in the air or slap your hands on your lap to the beat. Once, I was feeding you lunch when you suddenly broke into your usual "sing-and-wave-to-the-beat" mode when I wasn't singing to you. Then, it occurred to me. You were singing and waving to the beat of the funeral procession that was passing by downstairs! (-_____-)

Among the songs that we have exposed you to, I'm starting to notice that you have one favorite song which is "Jesus loves the little children". How do I tell? The bob of your head and the wave of your arms are especially vigorous whenever this song comes on. Given your aptitude to wave/clap rhythmically at such a tender age, Mommy is optimistic (Disclaimer: but not hopeful to the point of being hopeless should it turns out otherwise) that you may be the first in our family line to be musically-inclined! Heh! 

Another distinctive personality that we identified in you is.. hmm.. how do I even say it in English? Alright, in Mandarin, we call it 撒嬌. But even that may not tell the full story. The best language to describe will be in dialect where both your grandmothers have point out that you are "yang orh" or "sai nai".

Food-wise, you are taking them well. While there are occasional misses (mainly contributed by bouts of colds), you generally have a good appetite. Your all-time favorite fruit is banana, with papaya and avocado following behind. Mommy has widen your choices of vegetables by feeding you whatever I can get hold of from the supermarket that are approved to be suitable for your age by the reference books. However, I have yet to gone back to try feeding you "kailan" and fish (while we are on the matter of dislikes) though I gathering the courage to reintroduce them to you again in the coming weeks. Other than fish, kailan and maybe one-two other dislikes, you are eating your solids and drinking your milk well. In fact, Mommy has been fretting over whether I am overfeeding you.

Moving onto the communication department. You wave in acknowledge upon greeting someone familiar who just entered the room. Couple with the wave, you will also go "eh!" as if in say hi! When prompted, you will wave to bid farewell at times. At these point, you understand questions like "Are you ready to brush your teeth?" and will open your mouth in response. While you "talk" alot, you have yet to talk coherently i.e. saying something upon request that means something etc. Daddy / Mommy. But it is okay, we aren't rushing to anywhere!

You exhibit much affection whenever you see Daddy / Mommy after missing us for a couple of hours. Whenever Daddy comes home from work, you exhibit much joy (sometimes even weep). If you happen to be in your walker, you will charge over and follow him around the flat while singing to a tune in your head. And when Daddy picks you up, you will cling onto him tightly with your head firmly rested on his shoulder - all the while either shrieking happily or coo-ing contentedly. Very often, when our little family happen to be sitting over together, you make it a point to be touching all us (yes, even Muffin!). This little characteristic of yours has made you especially endearing to us.

On the other hand, Mommy and Daddy are glad that you are making progress in showing more independence by playing on your own. These days, Mommy is able to put you in your play-barn and does not have to worry over you not having a good time. You will gladly roam about within the confinement of the fenced-up area of the play-barn, fingering this toy, banging the other. I just want to affirm you here as this little milestone means a lot to Daddy & Mommy as it means that you are confident and secured to be on your own. So yes, my darling, keep it up!

Upon the above reflections, I conclude that the past few months has been more and more enjoyable for Mommy and Daddy, and hopefully you too. Yes, it can be tiring crawling around with you, ensuring that you do not hurt yourself. And there is also the giving up of a large chunk of my social life, just to stick around to watch you grow. But hey! Mommy is savoring every bit of it and am glad and thankful for making the choice to be a full-time mom. For the record, while Daddy has to work and loves what he is doing; , I know he treasures the time spent with you and looks forward to coming back home to us every evening.

Thank you, my little bunny, for making parenthood such a fulfilling one for us so far. Am looking forward to your first birthday!

Ma ma ma mommy

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