Monday, May 9, 2011

A week of downs and ups

Last Tuesday, my body gave in to the bouts of throwing up that has plagued me for the past few weeks. Dehydrated and having slight gastric pains, I was admitted for hydration drips during my regular prenatal appointment. I was actually all prepared for it and had packed myself an overnight bag.

So there I was, in Thomson Medical Centre, for two nights. I was on bag after bag of saline and multivitamins drips while the doctor administered a couple of different anti-vomiting medications to test its effectiveness on me. On the first evening, right after I was admitted, I broke down and cried. Silly of me and probably hormones-charged, my reason for crying was because it was going to be the first time I was separated away from Anya in the night. The wonderful husband immediately assured me that he would go back to fetch her to visit me to say goodnight.

For the three days and two nights that i was there, I was pretty much bed-ridden for I was perpetually strapped to a drip (that was attached to a machine that only the nurses can operate it). So every time I had to go to the bathroom, I had to call for the nurse. I could not bathe on my own and had to be wiped down by a nurse. So there I was, lying / sitting in bed, watching my two fellow ward neighbours who just delivered their babies, watch copious amount of TV on the coverage of the General Election, as well as read copious amount (and repeated) news coverage of the General Election on my Iphone. Now, I do not want to share my views about the GE here. All I will say is my prayers are fervent for this nation I so love and call home.

While immediate family members and close friends were aware of my hospitalisation, I was firm to tell them not to visit. After all, it isn't anything life-threatening what-so-ever. It was really just to get myself better and I really wasn't in any physical pain. Just emotionally-charged by the physical toll the vomiting had taken on me. The hospitalization did me good for the anti-vomit drugs administered did prove to be effective. So now here I am, slowly back on my feet again (yes, literally! Instead of being in bed all the time)! I am starting to eat normal again, the vomiting and stomach churning has stopped. The only downside is that one of the medication makes me sleepy and I have to fight real hard to get myself out of bed in the morning to prepare Anya's breakfast. Oh, and plus I salivate a lot. - This is a condition that usually comes together with hyperemesis gravidarum ( I had it in the last pregnancy too). Anyway, salivating (socially awkward as it may be) and sleepiness are much manageable issues as compared to being  bedridden and excessive vomiting.

 I am thankful, for my spirit is high, I easing back into the normalcy of life with renewed faith and strength. And I have another baby for multiplications of love 7 months down the road! :)


007 said...

Stay Positive! Jia you!

Anya & Arielle's mom said...


Thanks for taking time off your secret agent service to read my blog and your encouragement! :)

007 said...

You're very welcome. :)

007 said...

Haha! not bad ah. Despite all the vomitting, you are still v humourous! :)