Saturday, August 28, 2010


Since she is at the phase where she is intrigued by things that emits sounds, I have been on the lookout for such toys - which i came to realize are plentiful in the market! Just over the past few days, I have acquired two play-a-sound books and a 'remote control'.

And yesterday, I was at ELC to make an exchange for a faulty toy and couldn't resist their one-day-only 20% storewide sale (the shopaholics' soft spot!). So, i went home excitedly with this (now, i came to realize that most parents are always equally, if not more, excited than their kiddos when it comes to new toys!):

Cute right? She can make-believe that she is on the roads and I thought it will be good entertainment and distraction for her whenever she's in her car seat & stroller. We introduced the toy to her when we were out for lunch in the afternoon. The verdict? At this point in time, she is a emotional and easily distracted "driver" who will take it out on the steering wheel & horn whenever someone talks to her. Oh, and she is dangerous too! 'Cos she has shown to have a tendency to fall asleep behind the wheels.Heh!

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