Thursday, August 5, 2010

Busy busy!

What could i have been busy with?

First of all, Anya has been having diarrhea for a week now. She was actually recovering over the weekend, but we made a mistake of switching her back to her regular formula too early and the diarrhea came back - doubly worse. As a result, she gets cranky & weepy easily, napped lesser and wants me to be by her side all the time. The last part, i hope, is a cause of the diarrhea and not a new pattern (i.e. separation anxiety) that has evolved.

Secondly, I'm preparing for the upcoming trip. There are so much planning & packing that needs to be done now that we have a little one going away with us. I was looking forward for a getaway for months as I had not been able to do so during my pregnancy due to the excessive vomiting & motion sickness. However, i have been feeling a bit apprehensive since news of the bomb at the bus-stop & grenade in bin in Bangkok broke out. We are praying for safety throughout the trip, that we'll be protected & the HS will guide us to avoid places that might be of danger.

Anyway, we will be on the airplane in 48 hours, and here i am, with 2 suitcases barely filled. In addition, i have to ensure that the household chores, e.g. laundry, ironing, cleaning the floor etc, are done in advance so that i will not have too much back loads to clear after we get back. Gosh! Speaking of which, The Dog's bath is long overdue. Gotta get onto it lest the in-laws have a 'stinky time' taking care of her while we are gone.

1 comment:

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip! Look forward to reading post-trip entries :)