Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breakfast with Little Miss. Foodie

Lately, Anya showed little enthusiasm for her regular breakfast of oatmeal cereal mixed with milk formula and choice of fruits. At some point of the meal, she would keep her mouth tightly shut, even when the cereal was mixed with her favorite bananas or berries.

When it comes to feeding Anya, I am not adventurous. A tad "kia si" even perhaps. I imagine that she should stick to a strict diet of baby food and brown rice porridge with fruits, vegetables, egg yolk and threadfin all the way till she turns one. Over the weekend, I loosened up a teeny weeny bit by feeding her a few crumbs of my Dad's and SIL's birthday cake. Forget the teeny weeny bit, that was a biggie for me! And her too, considering how vehemently she was gesturing "please" for more after the first mouthful.

However, given the current crisis of her rejecting her baby food breakfast, I scurried to research on what other alternatives I can serve up to her. The Internet and a trip to the community library definitely provided quite a number of ideas and inspirations.

So this morning, I finally served up something different. It remains nothing adventurous. Just half a slice of lightly toasted white bread with cheddar cheese. Still, our Little Miss. Foodie totally digs the new item on the menu! After the first try, the vehement "please" came quickly. There were appreciative "Mmmmms..." and "Num num numumms...". And when it was time to move on to her favorite blended blueberries and strawberries, she actually pushed the spoon in my hand away! Hmmm... do we have a case of  here?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky Anya, toasted bread with cheddar--- sounds yummy already! I applaud you for your effort to make the trip to the library, babe. Im gonna hv toasted wholemeal bread with low-fat sliced cheese SOON!! x Claire G.