Monday, December 13, 2010

What a night!

Last night, we had a surprise belated birthday party for a dear friend. Her friends at work cum missionary trips organized it and invited us along. It was an intimate gathering, with homemade 'momos' with chutney, a Pakistani dumpling recipe they learnt at one of their recent trips.

The birthday girl was truly surprised, causing her to be pink-faced the whole night. There were guitars playing, wonderful singing, and lots of laughter. The organizers did up two videos for the dear friend and one little girl even wrote a poem and had a poem recital on the spot, just for her dear Joy jiejie! It was obvious that everyone who was there love the birthday girl dearly. :)

I had enjoyed myself immensely despite nursing a migraine. Unfortunately, in the car trip home, the pain got worse.

By the time we got home, I was feeling nauseous, and was incapable of helping The Husband to prepare Anya for bedtime. I was breaking out into cold sweat and was feeling chilly. After throwing up, I climbed into bed and hid under the blanket. Thirty minutes later, I threw up again. This time, instead of going back into my own bed, I wrapped myself in my blanket and joined The Husband who was tucking Anya in bed. I must have fallen asleep as I vaguely recalled The Husband waking me up to go back to our bed.

Then. At 130am, I was awaken by my growling stomach. The worst of the migraine was over, though I could still feel slight dull pain at the back of my head - even now as I'm typing away. So I went in search for food and did a bit of read up on the internet while satisfying my hunger pangs. The causes of the monstrous migraine? PMS and cold turkey from caffeine.

I think I'm gonna kick my coffee addiction once and for all.


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Oh! I'm also trying to kick my coffee habit! Managed to steer clear of it for a week then succumbed yesterday to a Dark Mocha Frappucino =P Back to the drawing board! Let's encourage each other!

Anya & Arielle's mom said...

LOL! It ain't easy. I've decided to change tact after the horrible migraine and curb it slowly instead of totally abstaining it. So its coffe every 2-3 days and some bubble tea now and then. :P

I guess it is okay to have it now and now for now, when no. 2 hasn't come along. So long as we are no longer addicted to it. Hee...