Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the season to be busy!

 The lack of updates here is because we have been extremely busy - which is paradoxical since the busier we are, chances are there are more things to blog about!

So, we have been busy doing Christmas & birthdays shopping, supervising the installation of window grills in the apartment, cleaning up after the apartment, washing loads of curtains, gearing up for my driving practical test, falling sick, recovering, going for magic shows, Christmas gatherings and what-nots. All these additional programs (&/or disruptions) on top of managing our usual responsibilities and chores. Come to think of it, no wonder I fell sick! :P

Meanwhile, our baby has moved onto a new mode of transporting herself - Crawling! Actually, she has mastered this new skill for a couple of weeks now. One to two months back, she has started learning to crawl, only she was always moving backward instead of forward. It was often an amusing sight how she would set her targeted end point, say to where Dadddy was, and then wiggled madly but only to find herself further and further away from her target. At one point, I thought she would abandon learning to crawl as she would try (ended up going backward again) and then she would switch to rolling to get herself to where she wanted to be. Bonus points for being innovative!

Interestingly, two weeks ago, she woke up one morning, and somehow, got it figured out and simply started crawling forward. These days, she can switch from sitting position to crawling or lying down position (vice versa) at ease. In fact, I've seen her attempting to stand a number of times even. 

With her new mobility, we have set up another playpen errr.. let's just call it play-barn so as not to confuse with the existing playpen. This play-barn was a gift from my brother & sister-in-law. This play-barn, I gotta say, is a good thing to have! Gary Ezzo was right! Children need boundaries in order to feel secure and explore creativity! I used to put her in her room (on the padded floor) during playtime and she would get upset when I leave the room, no matter how much assurance I gave her. Her play was haphazard where she would be playing Toy A half-hearted while being distracted by Toy B in the distance. With this play-barn, I would put 1-2 toys in there (switching them every few days), and she could concentrate better. She seems to be more at ease when I am not in the same room too and could do being alone for longer stretches of time at one go. So yay for Gary Ezzo (the author) and Gary Koh (my bro)! Haha.. 

Oh mine! What was intended to be a short update has gone quite long! We have several upcoming events that we are looking forward to. There is birthday BBQ, Christmas party, driving test (please let me pass!!), New Year's gathering and more! Oh, and we are going on two short trips in January! So this buy-ness is gonna stick around till January. For the folks out there, may you have a blessed Christmas in advanced! Just in case, you know, I will not have time to update till post-Christmas. May this festive season be one of love, joy & peace!

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