Saturday, December 1, 2012

Leaving behind a place full of memories

We put up our current flat for sale a couple of weeks ago. Within a week, we loaded off our place.

In that course of three days, we had around ten different groups of people who came to view our flat. On the first day, we made a point to be out of the way during viewing time. Partially because we thought viewing will not be conducive with two noisy toddlers around. Another part was because we were afraid we might feel funny to have people scrutinizing and sizing up the place we call home in the last six years.

By the second day though, we decided we would stick around. Too much hassle disrupting the girls nap times. For them to miss naps two days in a row is likely to cause unthinkable detriments. And so, we hung around. It was not so bad. It did, however, enlighten us one thing - While the potential buyers move from one room to another sizing up our nest, unbeknownst to them, we find ourselves sort of sizing them up too.

You see, this place is filled with so much of our memories that we will fondly remember. On top of that, we have wonderful neighbors. Therefore, we (very much prefer) hope to find a buyer whom we will like, and we think will make good replacements for our neighbors too. Thankfully, of that handful of viewers that we got to meet; only a particular family left us feeling discomfited (let's call them "not-so-nice" family). The rest were either "okay" or "nice".

BUT. To our dismay, the "not-so-nice" family requested for second viewing, together with another two groups of "nice" families.

That very night, the Husband and I discussed at length if we should accept their offer in the event they made one that matches what we have in mind during their second viewing. Truth be told, after some contemplation, we decided that we were likely to reject the offer if that happens. We trusted that The Lord knows our hearts' desires, given all good intentions. So if we are not comfortable with them, we did not think it is right to go ahead. The only tough part is, how do we explain ourselves if they asked why? So imagine our relief when they told our agent that they decided not to proceed with the second viewing. Phew!

Eventually, both "nice" families turned up for second viewing and we closed with one of them. We like them, we think they will make nice neighbors and we feel peace leaving our very first matrimony home in their hands.

P.S. I haven't been doing my Week in Pictures post because my new laptop has been giving me problems. Right now, the kind IT whizz Brother-in-law is helping me to do whatever he does to make it right. Until then, there is not much I can do. Oh, I am on Instagram though. So if you are on it too, do drop me a message, and I will be glad to exchange our usernames. :) meanwhile, I am hoping the new laptop gets up and running quickly as I have loads of pics on Arielle's birthday celebrations in my Olympus that I'll love to share.

P.P.S. Renovation for our new place commences this week so it means I am likely to be mad busy. So this space might be a little neglected... ...

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