Friday, March 22, 2013

My conversational little woman

I love the surprises and amusements that I get on a daily basis just by holding conversations with Anya. Very often, I find myself marveling at what goes through her little head from the stuff she expresses to us verbally.

Here is an anecdote of an exchange between Anya and I at the zoo a couple of weeks ago. Was explaining to her the differences in the appearance between a lion and a lioness.

Me: Look! There are two lions in there and the one over there with big hair is the boy lion whereas this one here is the girl. The boy is called a lion and the girl is called, lioness.

Anya, having used to see both adults and their young in most of the other enclosures, she asked:
Oh.. Where is the baby?

Me (after a quick scan around the entire enclosure and spot no other cats): You know what? Maybe there two lions do not have babies of their own yet. I do not see any baby lions here.

Anya: Oh! (Then adopting a know-it-all tone) I know.. Because they are not married yet right? When they are married, then they can have babies right? (Nods her head emphatically at the same time to draw affirmation from me.)

That immediately drew a chuckle from me. Interesting, isn't it? - how a statement from a child can depict both their childlike-ness as well as theirs gaining worldly knowledge.

My soft cuddly hugging baby

Gonna do some gushing here by dedicating the upcoming entries on the things I love about the girls at present. You see, i am hoping that it will ease off my guilt in the lack of entries in this cyber warehouse of parenting memories. I shall start off with the baby of the family.

I love that Arielle always hugs her plush rabbits to sleep. And it amazes me that she always gets them correctly upright with the rabbits' heads facing her rather than rabbity butts sticking into her face.

Lately, her sleeping pattern seems to stabilized. It occur to me that the rabbits might have some credit to take in helping her to sleep better. I suppose all that cuddling helps her to be more relaxed and comforts her whenever she rouses from her sleep in the middle of the night.

Other than plush rabbits, this little girl has also been doling out free hugs to her mommy here by the truckload. Well, more like she asks for cuddles and hugs rather than giving to me, but hey, I'm not complaining! Especially when she is so soft and chubby at this moment. Oh so huggable.

Yep, am loving every moment of those long cuddles where her fat little arms wind themselves tightly around my neck while she rests her head contentedly on my shoulder.