Monday, July 19, 2010

Roomies no more!

Last night, we shifted Anya back to her bedroom. Reason being: I noticed that she is starting to observe (thus perhaps will recognize) her surroundings. It will be easier to start her on sleeping in her own room alone before she can recognize her surroundings. This is part of our parenting belief in teaching her about independence.

In preparation for that, the baby monitor was set up & the weekend was spent cleaning up her room. I also took the opportunity to clear wardrobe of her receiving blankets, tiny newborn outfits that she can no longer fit into. Together with the breast pumps (the milk factory has officially ceased production), they were all packed into a cardboard box and put away in the storeroom.

So for the first time last night, she slept all by herself in her own bedroom. While she woke up a couple of times throughout the night, i didn't think it is a problem. Somehow, it appears to me more of a one-time-off incident. In fact, as I'm typing this now, she is napping soundly in her own room. So yep, she should do just fine in there.

I, on the other hand, seem to be having slight separation anxiety. After the Husband put her in her cot, I had walked out of her room with reluctant footsteps. Back in our own bedroom, i kept staring at the empty space that her cot used to occupy. Throughout the whole night, I had trouble sleeping; kept imagining that i heard her stirring / crying via the baby monitor. And when she was really crying, i jumped out of my bed and sprinted to her room. Guess I AM the one who needs some adapting to. Sigh! I miss my little roomy!

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